OVERTOURISM IS RAISING HOUSING PRICES AND HURTING MAUI’S QUALITY OF LIFE! The Maui Island Plan calls for a maximum of one visitor for every three residents in order to protect the quality of life on Maui. Tourism growth has far exceeded that limit. In order to fix this, we need to stop the building of […]
Maui Tomorrow Encourages Community Support of the Visitor Accommodations Moratorium
[Updated 6/18/21] Tourism on Maui has passed the point where it is serving residents, and is now negatively affecting our quality of life. While visitor arrivals have been breaking records lately, local resident sentiment about the visitor industry has fallen to an all-time low. This is a problem that is continuing to grow, and the […]
Hotel Wailuku: Two Opportunities To Stop It
UPDATE 1/26/2021 Good news! Maui Planning Commission recommended approval of the ordinance, and will forward itʻs recommendation to the Maui County Council. We will let you know when that comes up. Also, mahalo for all of the GoFundMe contributions so far. We have raised $865 toward our goal of $5,000 to help offset our legal […]
URGENT: Opportunity to Testify Requesting Amendments to the WUDP THIS FRIDAY, October 9th
There is a new opportunity this Friday to provide public input about the Maui Water Use Development Plan. The Maui County Council vote on the Maui Water Use & Development Plan (WUDP) was postponed from Sept 11th to Oct 9th, and Haiku Community Association held a Town Hall on the WUDP on Sept 24. At […]
Grow Maui Jobs in Agriculture and Housing Construction: Maui Tomorrow Supports Two Charter Amendments
Maui’s economy needs to be diversified! For decades, we have been placing more and more of our eggs in one basket. In the 1960s and 1970s, the visitor industry was helpful in countering the decline of Maui’s agricultural industry. However, as tourism kept growing, with no end in sight, it began to overwhelm our residents […]
Maui Tomorrow Foundation Strongly Supports the Proposed Charter Amendment Establishing a County Department of Agriculture
Now that a pandemic has halted tourism, we see the folly of overreliance on the visitor industry. Our existing agricultural system is NOT providing enough locally grown food. There are many reasons for that, but the bottom line is this: if imports stop, we will be out of food in just a matter of days. […]