Following is the view from Puunene Avenue toward the Kahului Airport of the proposed Phase 1 of the new highway up to Hana Highway.
Phase 2 will go from Hana Highway to the Airport.
At Hana Highway there will be an on-grade intersection with NO overpass. Notice Dairy road will bend into the highway next to the motorcycle showroom.
Totally missing from the Environmental Assessment are any of the roads into and out of A&B’s new adjoining Business Park, especially access to this highway and to Hana Highway.
Read the Environmental Assessment:
Or download the pdf
Summary on Page 42:
“Consequently, it is anticipated that the proposed project will result in a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).”
Here is the proposed Hana Highway intersection.Totally missing from the Environmental Assessment are any of the roads into and out of A&B’s new adjoining Business Park, especially access to this highway and to Hana Highway.
From OEQC March 23, 2012 Environmental Notice:
4. Kahului Airport Access Road, Phase I Puʻunene Avenue to Hana Highway (NEPA EA)
District: Wailuku
TMK: (2) 3- 8-006:075 and (2) 3-8-080:999
Permits: County of Maui, Grading and Grubbing Permit
Applicant: State of Hawai‘i, Department of Transportation, 650 Palapala Drive, Kahului, Hawai‘i 96732, Contact: Robert Spilker, (808) 873-3376
Approving Agency: Federal Highway Administration, P.O. Box 50206, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96950, Contact: Abraham Wong, telephone (808) 541-2700
Consultant: Munekiyo & Hiraga, Inc., 305 High Street, Suite 104, Wailuku, Hawai‘i 96793, Contact: Karlynn Fukuda, (808) 244-2015
Status: NEPA Thirty-day comment period beginning on March 23,2012, and ending on April 23, 2012. Please send comments to Robert Spilker at State Department of Transportation (SDOT) with copy to Munekiyo & Hiraga, Inc.
The NEPA EA documents the anticipated impacts of the construction approximately 4,700 lineal feet for the Kahului Airport Access Road, Phase I from the intersection of Puunene Avenue to the Hana Highway intersection. The project purpose is to provide additional capacity and alleviate traffic congestion from existing routes to the Kahului Airport (Keolani Place and Dairy Road) by providing an alternate route which would redistribute vehicles and provide a more direct route to the airport. The proposed road will also address existing service deficiencies on Keolani Place and Dairy Road. Three (3) alternatives (including the No-Build and road widening) are evaluated. Additionally three (3) alternatives are evaluated for the Hana Highway intersection. The Proposed Action (Alternative 2) and the Simple At-Grade Hana Highway intersection (Alternative 1) will not have significant impacts based on criteria specified in NEPA 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(c). A copy of the EA document is available for review at the Kahului Public Library.