Hamakuapoko would take a team of water engineers, microbiologists and chemists on duty monitoring 24/7 to assure the safety of that water.
Why Using Hamakuapoko Wells is an Expensive Alternative
If we had used the streamwater available through the County’s 2000 Memorandum of Understanding with A&B, Inc. a decade ago, the Upcountry meter list would be a lot shorter. We can still do this. The longer we don’t use our share of the water, the more likely we are to become embroiled in legal battles when […]
Maui Tomorrow Urges Council to Adopt Cochran’s Suggestion on Hamakuapoko Well
Maui Tomorrow urges the County Council and Mayor to adopt Councilmember Cochran’s plan rather than adding Hamakuapoko well water to the potable supply.