The preliminary document from Geometrician Associates, LLC and a map locating the proposed Pukalani well-site. [gview file=””] The proposed well would be developed by the State’s DLNR and the water would be put into the County’s Department of Water Supply’s distribution system. In the attached document there are several references to a “Pukalani Reservoir”; […]
Waiehu Aquifer Getting Saltier
Central Maui’s groundwater has gotten saltier over the past four decades due to increased pumping of surrounding wells and a decreased amount of rainfall, USGS said. From Maui News “The Waiehu well is used to monitor the Wailuku area, where most of Central and South Maui’s groundwater is pumped from and then used for fire […]
KCC: Will South Maui Have Enough Water?
From Kihei Community Association: May 21 Community Meeting at 6:30 PM Will South Maui Have Enough Water? Listen to these esteemed experts at the Charter School Everyone is welcome. Will South Maui “run out” of water? The Kihei Community Association’s (KCA) May 21 meeting at 6:30 PM at the Kihei Charter School at 41 E. […]
County Says No Environmental Impact to Using Hamakuapoko Wells
The county Department of Water Supply’s final environmental assessment was given a finding of no significant environmental impact for the reopening of two Hamakuapoko water wells — by the County. The County could put these contested wells into use within 2013. Read Why Using Hamakuapoko Wells is an Expensive Alternative because the County could, if it […]
Waiehu Well Shows Increasing Salinity
Chloride concentrations at Waiehu deep monitor well increased at depths of -475 ft to -700 ft during October 2012 – January 2013. Adjustments to the sampling depth spacing were made to provide more resolution in the part of the transition zone where chloride concentrations change rapidly with depth.
Wailuku+Kahului – SMA BOUNDARY Line + WATER WELLS
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