While DIRE and Maui Tomorrow were downstairs attempting to convince the Maui Planning Commission to do an Environmental Assessment on their $2,000,000 replacement sewage injection wells at Kahului, the Council was upstairs passing a rider on the funds to require the Department of Environmental Management to come up with a plan to recycle more wastewater […]
DIRE Challenge to Expemption for Injections Wells Turned Down
DIRE is considering options, may appeal to Circuit Court April 29, 2010 The Maui Planning Commission voted 5-1 to uphold Planning Director Jeff Hunt’s determination that the Division of Wastewater Management is exempt from having to obtain a special management area permit to build two replacement injection wells at the Kahului wastewater treatment plant. Commissioner […]
Historic Stream Restoration Needs Your Kōkua
Please make a tax-deductible donation to help cover Legal Notice costs for essential Water Use Permit Applications. UPDATE: Stream Restoration Legal Efforts Make Progress Efforts by Hui o Na Wai ‘Eha, Maui Tomorrow and Earthjustice to restore continuous mauka to makai stream flows to the four great waters of ‘Iao, Waiehu, Waihe‘e and Waikapu are […]
Groups Seek to Restrict Water Diversions
Maui News Thursday, Dec. 7, 2006 HONOLULU – Two Maui groups have filed a petition with the state Commission on Water Resource Management urging the commission to designate the Wailuku watershed to restrict water diversions by Wailuku Water Co. and Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. The petition filed Wednesday by Earthjustice for Maui Tomorrow Foundation […]
Streams in Hawaii Show Slow Decline
By Mary Adamski, Honolulu Star-Bulletin Sunday, December 5, 2004 Streams make news when they overflow during a deluge, but a new federal study reveals that the flow in island streams has declined over the past 90 years. The trend may be bad news about a dwindling drinking water supply, according to the U.S. Geological Survey […]
Irrigation Ditches Wasting Water?
Surplus water regularly ends up being "dumped" October 22, 2004 Ed Lindsey and Lucienne de Naie for Maui Tomorrow Pictured is unneeded (wasted) water from Waihe’e ditch as viewed today (October 22, 2004) from Honoapiilani Hiway at Pohakea bridge in Waikapu, Maui. This flow is not the result of rainy runoff. Rather it is the […]