Investigation begins to track suspected pollution from the Lahaina wastewater facility Release date: 08/01/2011 Contact Information: Dean Higuchi, 808-541-2711, (08/01/11) HONOLULU – Federal and state agencies have begun important research to evaluate the suspected discharge of pollutants to the coastal waters along the Kaanapali coast of Maui. Funded by the U. S. EPA, U.S. […]
Watershed Meeting
The Southwest Maui Watershed Plan grew out of concerns by Mā‘alaea residents about pollution of Mā‘alaea Bay and reef damage. According to water expert Robin Knox, “The goal of the plan is to protect water quality and reduce land-based pollution. The planning process seeks to bring together all the users of a watershed to help […]
Southwest Maui Watershed Project Meeting
The Watershed Advisory Group will meet at the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary on South Kīhei Road.
Maui In Water We Trust
The people of Maui face many complex water issues that will profoundly affect the community’s ability to sustain itself into the future.
90% of Italian Voters Say No to Water Privatization
“Water—whether we treat it as a public good or as a commodity that can be bought and sold—will in large part determine whether our future is peaceful or perilous,” wrote the scholar Maude Barlow. In Italy last month, an over whelming number of people (96 per cent of the 57 percent of the population that […]
Injection Wells: Maui to Settle with EPA
According to the Maui News, the Maui County Council unanimously approved a settlement with the EPA over the Lahaina wastewater injection wells. This could end of a longstanding dispute between the county and the Environmental Protection Agency. For years, the EPA has maintained that the county poured poorly treated water into the aquifer, and eventually […]