Despite Pleas by Residents, Council Overturns Ban on Human Consumption of Hpoko Water
Elle Cochran cast the only vote against reopening the Hamakuapoko wells.
Mayor calling for water conservation
Mayor Alan Arakawa is urging Maui residents to conserve water while underground aquifers recharge their supply of fresh water. The last three to four weeks have been particularly dry and surface water sources Upcountry and in Iao and Waihee valleys have been running low, he said.
Maui Stream Flows Below Normal
The latest report from the U.S. Geological Survey shows that stream flow in Maui County and statewide is below normal and mostly “much below normal”
Hamakuapoko 2nd Reading
Friday October 7, 2011 – Second Reading of Bill to Repeal Ban on Human consumption of Hamakuapoko Well Water at Maui County Council
Sign up for testimony begins about 8:30am on the 8th floor of the County Building on High Street in Wailuku. Maui Tomorrow supports Elle Cochran’s amendment to trade water
Waihe’e Aquifer Fact Sheet
FACT: Waihe’e aquifer water is some of the best quality water on Maui FACT: Few families living beyond the Waihe’e river (Kahakuloa side) have any access to a public water source. WHERE IS WAIHE’E AQUIFER? Waihe’e aquifer extends from Waihe’e stream to Kahakuloa, an area of around 12 square miles. WHAT IS ITS CAPACITY? Scientists […]