Monsanto requested more water and was denied today by the State Water Commission. Here is the Water Commission staff briefing memo: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant. Monsanto Company (“Monsanto”), requests that the Commission approve a water use permit and allocate 2.636 million gallons per day (Mgd) of potable basal ground water from a new well […]
DLNR Watershed Meeting
The State of Hawai?i Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Honolulu District are holding a public meeting to inform the community about a comprehensive watershed study being conducted for the West Maui “Ridge to Reef Initiative.” The meeting will be held from 6 until 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, December 4, […]
Water Studies for Maui
Na Wai Eha Water Info USGS Groundwater Data for Hawaii: Goundwater Availability in West Maui: The complete report: Seepage Losses and Gains, East Maui Irrigation Diversion System: Complete Report: Invertebrate Community Indexes of Stream Quality, Maui: Reportè SOURCE:
Water for Maui’s Future
Water for Maui’s Future “Getting involved in the Water Use and Development Plan Process” Tuesday Nov 13 6-7:30 pm UHMC Pilana Bldg Multipurpose Room (rear of Pilana Building behind Student Center) Guest Presenter: Pam Pogue Maui County DWS Planning Program Manager Every area of Maui should be aware of how to […]
Water for Maui’s Future
Getting Involved in the Maui Water Use and Development Plan Process Everyone depends upon an adequate water supply for Maui’s future. An update on the process of completing the Maui Island Water Use and Development Plan (WUDP), will begin soon. The public is invited to a short presentation on Tuesday November 13 from 6 to […]
Ka’anapali-Kahekili Watershed Comments
Below is an email about the recently released draft of the Ka’anapali-Kahekili Watershed Characterization, which was put together by NOAA and a consultant from Sustainable Resources Group International, Inc. You can download it at: It discusses watershed planning and sources of pollution in the Honokowai and Wahikuli watersheds. There is some fairly extensive discussion of the […]