@SupportRequests #06900027
Pu’unani Subdivision
NOTE: The proposed Puʻunani Subdivision Development is seeking preliminary input from residents. Please see: http://maui-communities.weebly.com/puunani-between-wailuku–waikapu.html Project will fill in ALL the open space between WAILUKU, WAILUKU HEIGHTS, and WAIKAPU. 208 acres. 597 housing units, plus potential additional impacts from many ohanas. http://oeqc.doh.hawaii.gov/Shared%20Documents/EA_and_EIS_Online_Library/Maui/2010s/2013-12-08-MA-5E-EISPN-Puunani-Subdivision-Project.pdf Puʻunani Subdivision Project EISPN Status: Statutory consultation period ends on February 6, 2014. […]
In Memoriam: Kenny Hultquist
Kenny Hultquist Feb. 19, 1951 – Dec. 12, 2012 Maui has lost another friend of the environment. Kenny was a longtime Lahaina artist, videographer, and community activist. He filmed the Maui Planning Commission meetings and other public meetings for Maui Tomorrow for airing on Akaku, Community Access Television, most recently the County of Maui Department […]
2012 Annual Progress Report
Aloha It’s the time of year to count our blessings and make plans for a new year. We consider you one of our greatest blessings as your continued support makes our efforts possible! As we begin 2012’s End of the Year Fundraising Campaign we thank you for your generous gifts over the years and humbly […]
USGS: Natural Hazards of Hawai’i
[gview file=”http://pubs.usgs.gov/imap/i2761/sections/1_Intro.pdf”]