From the Maui News Fderal and state agencies are ending a decadeslong project that would have expanded Maalaea Small Boat Harbor, citing costs as well as opposition from community groups that maintained that the proposals would fail to protect the harbor from surges while destroying acres of coral and affecting the “Freight Train” surf break…. […]
Hawai’i Supreme Court: Open Ocean Aquaculture = “Fishing”
Press Release from Food and Water Watch: Hawaii Court Allows Factory Fish Farming in Federal Waters Judge Finds Reasonable Federal Agency’s Determination that Aquaculture Activities Are “Fishing” Statement from Food & Water Watch Executive Director Wenonah Hauter Honolulu, HI —“We are very disappointed by the court’s decision, which seems to say that […]
Aloha Kanaloa Coalition on Plight of Monk Seals
COMMUNITY COALITION PLEAS FOR EDUCATION AND DIALOGUE IN THE WAKE OF RECENT HAWAIIAN MONK SEAL DEATHS Honolulu, Hawai`i – In response to the series of “suspicious” Hawaiian monk seal deaths in Hawai`i, a group of concerned citizens and organizations have stepped up efforts to educate the public about the plight of the critically endangered marine […]
Looting of the Seas
Looting the Seas is an award-winning project by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists looking at forces that are rapidly emptying oceans of fish. In its first installment ICIJ documented the massive black market in threatened bluefin tuna. In the second, it revealed that billions of dollars in subsidies flow into the Spanish fishing industry […]
Are Maui’s Waters Fishable and Swimmable?
Monday, January 16th, 2012, from 6-8 pm Lahaina Civic Center (social hall) Public presentation by Robin Knox, water quality expert, who will be discussing the State of Hawaii Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report and the importance of the public comment period. Take Action! This workshop will include an opportunity for public participation – bring […]
More Monk Seal Coverage
THE ENDANGERED MONK SEAL Fight for survival Hawaii’s endemic oceangoing mammals are being killed, and humans are to blame By Dan Nakaso POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Jan 15, 2012 Kyle Nakagawa was reeling in an akule off the coast of Kauai when a critically endangered Hawaiian monk seal rose out of the sea and bit […]