by AUDREY McAVOY, Associated Press HONOLULU (AP) — The Hawaiian monk seal — the nation’s most imperiled marine mammal — is on the verge of getting its own emergency room. A California-based nonprofit with decades of experience caring for marine mammals aims to break ground next year on a hospital and rehabilitation center in Kailua-Kona […]
Hawaiian Monk Seals
By Danielle MersbergReprinted from The Moloka’i Dispatch The Hawaiian Monk Seals are endangered species that need to be restored because they are native, and it is out kuleana as Hawaiians to help save them. The Hawaiian Monk Seal is pre-historic and have been swimming these oceans for about 10,000,000 years. Even King Alexander LihoLiho hunted […]
Investigation Tracks Suspected Pollution From Lahaina Facility
August 5th, 2011 By Wendy Osher The US Environmental Protection Agency joins state and federal agencies this week in launching an investigation to track suspected pollution from the Lahaina Wastewater Reclamation facility. The study includes evaluation of suspected discharge of pollutants to coastal waters along the Kaanapali Coast. “The tracer study will help us pinpoint […]
Testify for Monk Seals
Public Hearing on Hawaiian Monk Seal Protection
Gov Abercrombie OKs 65 year Fish Farm Leases
In a move which confused his supporters, Governor Abercrombie, signed into law an extension of the controversial open ocean aquaculture leases to 65 years. This despite originally putting them on his veto list. According to MauiTime Weekly: Large scale aquaculture—the use of giant underwater cages to farm massive quantities of yellowfin tuna, moi and other […] Campaigns to Ban Aquarium Collecting
Rene Umberger on Maui, is working with a coalition to ban the sale of Hawaiian reef wildlife by the aquarium trade. Rene says: If you believe Hawaii’s reef wildlife belongs on Hawaii’s reefs and not for sale in the global aquarium hobby, then please go to and we’ll send Governor Abercrombie a postcard telling […]