Proposed development projects map for the Makena and Wailea regions as of 2009 (Download a printable PDF file here)
2 bedroom condo $340k requires $5,000/mo income Everyone wants more affordable housing for residents, but little has been done about it. Maui Tomorrow decided to change all that. Our Affordable Housing Committee spent months researching affordable housing plans around the US and has now crafted a plan for Maui County. Under current economic conditions, the average […]
GPAC Info 2009
GPAC Maui General Plan Advisory Committee Members: Joe Bertram III, John Blumer-Buell, Lesley Bruce, Thomas Cannon, Thomas Cook, Antoinette deNaie, Kehau Filimoeatu, Stanley Franco, Lisa Hamilton, Kennard Kekona, Carl Lindquist, Douglas MacCleur, Dick Mayer, Hans Michel, Susan Moikeha, Wallette Pellegrino, Hinano Rodrigues, Warren Shibuya, Jeanne Skog, Warren Suzuki, Frank Sylva, Stacie Thorlakson, Trevor Tokishi, Mercer […]
2008 Makena Summary
Maui has a good General Plan We Should Follow It Stand for Makena Memorial on YouTube This video captures the spirit of that place and urges folks everywhere to “Stand for Makena!” – Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 Project Ka‘eo The Challenge to Preserve Cultural Landscapes in Modern Makena * The need to […]
2005-2008 Land Use Summary
Land use planning has seldom been consistent with the county General Plan or with regional long-term planning goals. The influence of developers on the planning process continues to dominate most land use decisions. See our page of aerial photo maps with a list of downloadable files that show most of the committed, designated, and proposed […]
2008 Housing News
Hale Makua 116-unit housing project for seniors in Kula proposed An architect who has specialized in high-quality resort residential projects, Clayton Nishikawa, is proposing to build a 116-unit senior housing project on Lower Kula Road. Kula Meadowood would include 70 affordable units and 46 market-priced units in what he described as an age-in-place, independent-living subdivision […]