Maui Tomorrow is working with the County Council and the State to increase the availability of affordable housing for our reasidents. Maui has one of the highest cost of housing of any state in the U.S. With wages much lower than required to qualify for loans, this has created a huge housing gap for Maui […]
Sprecks Sand Replentishment Project Fails
The Maui News By HARRY EAGAR, Staff Writer July 25, 2010 SPRECKELSVILLE – An innovative and privately funded beach replenishment project on Stable Road has been suspended early. Neighbors to the west, who say their beach has been eroded, call it a complete failure, while the hui that tried bringing in offshore sand admits to […]
Agricultural Zoning
Agricultural Zoning The conversion of good agricultural land into gated communites or luxury estates is a problem for island residents. The loss of farmland and the exclusive nature of luxury development threatens our island way of life. This $2mil Luxury Gated House is build on 4 acres of ag land
Planners streamline permit processes
Trimming expected to pay off when economy picks up The Maui News December 20, 2009 By CHRIS HAMILTON, Staff Writer For the past year, at the direction of Mayor Charmaine Tavares, the county Department of Planning has quietly been working to streamline and update the county’s out-of-date code into a new era of "smart-growth" and […]
Maui Island Plan Documents Through 2009
Here is the Draft of the Maui Island Plan that will be reviewed by the Maui General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC). On the maps, note that the red lines around several of the urban communities are the proposed "Urban Growth Boundaries". You can go also directly to the County web site for active links: […]
Makena Archives Through 2009
Maui has a good General Plan We Should Follow It ACT BEFORE APRIL 7 Your Voice is needed! Wailea 670 is doing a Environmental Impact Statement The first step is an “EIS Preparation Notice” (EISPN) that the public can comment on. Deadline for comments is April 7. If you had concerns during the hearing process, […]