A sample template you can follow for sending written testimony regarding your recommended changes to the Goals, Objectives, and Policies found in Chapter 2: COMMENTS FROM DATE: NAME: ADDRESS: TO:PLANNING DIRECTOR SPENCE, GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE CHAIR BAISA, AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS EMAIL ADDRESS TO: gp.committee@mauicounty.us, planning@mauicounty.gov RE: MIP CHAPTER 2 HERITAGE RESOURCES SAMPLE PLEASE CONSIDER THE […]
Maui Island Plan Heritage Resources
GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE Council of the County of Maui Thursday, June 16, 2011 1:30 p.m. Council Chamber, 8th Floor 200 South High Street, Wailuku, Hawaii GENERAL PLAN UPDATE (MAUI ISLAND PLAN: CHAPTER 2 (HERITAGE RESOURCES)) Agenda The General Plan Committee of the Maui County Council will be updating/revising Chapter 2 (Heritage Resources) of the Maui […]
Wailea 670 Conditions Compliance Review
Monday June 13 1:30pm County Council Chamber compliance review for Wailea 670’s 30 unilateral conditions of zoning
Planning Commission FONSI on Kanaha Building
The Planning Commission granted a finding of no significant impact on the environmental assessment for the proposed 6 story office building and parking garage slated for land adjacent to Kanaha Pond and Wildlife Refuge. The Planning Commission found no significant impact despite: The building is in an area which will become innundated with the projected […]
Council OKs Purchase of 4 acres Kulamalu Affordable Housing
The Maui County Council Budget and Finance Committee gave its recommendation Wednesday to purchase 4 acres in Kulamalu for affordable housing. The council voted 8-0 to endorse a plan to spend $3.8 million from the county’s Affordable Housing Fund on the land and to authorize Mayor Alan Arakawa to negotiate a purchase. The measures are […]
KCA Hears About Maui Island Plan
Using a PowerPoint presentation, retired professor Dick Mayer raised a number of issues that he thought the KCA should consider. Although he participated in the GPAC process that created the Maui Island Plan, he emphasized that he was speaking as an individual. “I am not a resident of Kīhei,” he said. “I live in Kula. […]