GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEECouncil of the County of Maui Thursday, June 30, 2011 1:30 p.m. Council Chamber, 8200 South High Street, Wailuku, Hawaii GENERAL PLAN UPDATE (MAUI ISLAND PLAN: CHAPTER 2 (HERITAGE RESOURCES)) The General Plan Committee of the Maui County Council will be updating/revising Chapter 2 (Heritage Resources) of the Maui Island Plan which […]
Kanaha Office Building Seeks to Fill In Wetlands
The activity proposed to take place in waters of the U.S. will involve permanentlyfilling 0.95 acres (41,149 sq. ft.) of jurisdictional wetlands. Read the Kanaha Medical Plaza Request to Fill Wetlands
What is the Real Situation with the Kanaha Building?
by Mike Moran Now that this topic has been addressed in a May 27 article, it seems even more incredible. The planning commission says no significant impact for a six-story, 93-foot building to be constructed at Kanaha Pond abutting the wildlife refuge, a designated National Natural Landmark, upon pile-driven beams slammed into the wetland base […]
Planning Commission Doesn’t Like Kanaha Medical Bldg Height
From the Maui Newsby Harry Eager A presentation on the proposed Maui Medical Plaza project to the Maui Planning Commission this week revealed a difference of opinion about where the core of the Kahului commercial district lies. The site backs up on a bird refuge, but it also lies between Kahului Harbor and Kahului Airport. […]
Kanaha Wetlands Pump Fails
Maui News has an article on the woes of the Kanaha wildlife refuge which include the pump which keeps the wetlands wet failing, feral cats killing the birds in the Wildlife Refuge, nearby property owners complaining about water drainage and the FAA complaining about birds.
6-story Kanaha Office Building Defered
Maui Planning Commission decided unanimously to postpone discussion on the draft environmental assessment for the proposed Maui Medical Plaza building and parking garage in Kahului next to the Kanaha wetlands. They’ll take it up again at their next meeting in the second week of August. Commissioner Ward Mardfin said that the Commission took this step […]