Letter to the editor by Robert W. Riebling (Views expressed are those of Mr. Riebling) “Director aims to peel back isle plan’s layers” (The Maui News, Feb. 3) missed two key points of the Feb. 2 meeting of the County Council’s General Plan Committee. First, 17, or 85 percent, of the 20 testifiers were critical […]
Maui Island Plan: Former Planning Director Testimony
Mike Foley (former Planning Director) shared this powerful testimony with the General Plan Committee at February 2 meeting: When we started the Update of the General Plan I told the County Council that in my 38 years of planning experience I had never before seen a General Plan without maps. A General Plan that doesn’t […]
Maui Island Plan
Maui Island Plan Thur, Feb. 16 1:30pm General Plan Committee may review, revise, and recommend approval of the following component of the consolidated draft Maui Island Plan: the introductory narrative for Chapter 8 (Directed Growth Plan). The Committee may also receive an overview from the Department of Planning on other elements of Chapter 8, including […]
Map of Contaminated Wells on Maui
This map and accompanying table show the chemicals which have polluted the ground water in various location around Maui
Quiet Title – The Scourge of Hawaiian Land Ownership
It is unfortunate that the quiet title process of forcing families to sell their ancestral lands continues in Hawaii in this day and age, however that is the result of legal action taken by Maui Land & Pineapple Co. over the last five years to quiet the title of a very small parcel of land […]
Maui Island Plan must go forward
By Dick Mayer Our Maui County Council has been working for the past two years to complete our first comprehensive Maui Island Plan. Council members have worked hard and are now set to finalize a most important part of the plan – the directed growth chapter which will describe the urban and rural growth boundaries […]