The Paia Merchants Association works to maintain the town’s vibrant commercial district by honoring the area’s unique seaside culture and history while looking toward the future. Unregulated formula-based businesses potentially threaten this goal and could lessen our town’s appeal. Our interests lie in maintaining and enhancing the economic vitality and diversity that currently exists in Paia. We […]
Hawai’i: 2nd Largest % of Foreign-owned Ag Land in U.S.
Nationwide, Hawai`i has the second-largest percentage of its agriculture land held by foreign investors, according to a recent survey by the US Department of Agriculture. (Maui Now). Once the government shutdown is over, you can see the data here.
Council Defers Hotel Height Increase
Residents of Maui jumped into action last night and phoned and emailed Councilmembers requesting that they NOT approve the increate in hotel heights from 120′ to 180’. One councilmember said he got 47 calls and emails when he arrived in the office, and more were coming in. This is an 18 hour period. The Council’s […]
Clean Air Ap for Your Phone!
Maui Tomorrow Foundation this week announced a new smart phone application: CleanAirMaui, as part of the foundation’s Clean Air for Keiki campaign. This free app for iPhone, Blackberry and Android allows members of the community to use their smart phones to report incidents of excessive cane smoke; ash; and fugitive dust to the state Department […]
Fast-Tracked Waikapu Development Proposed
From Maui NowA 45-day period for fast-track consideration has started on the proposed 48-unit Waikapū Gardens-Phase II, affordable housing project in Central Maui, council officials announced today. The project, proposed for development on 10.5 acres along East Waikō Road, is being offered at 100% “affordable prices” to qualified households fitting income parameters, county officials said. […]