This is from PATH who recently sued to prevent DLNR from closing a public trail. Please read today’s Star-Advertiser editorial (below) about DLNR’s failure to act after PATH won ownership of Haleakala Trail, especially the Star’s concluding paragraph: “From mauka to makai, Hawaii’s people deserve broad access to public lands. The DLNR should devote more […]
Alert ! ! ! Oppose Attempt to Circumvent Maui Island Plan
ALERT ! ! ! Please Testify: Save our community plansThis Thursday June 18th at 9am the Maui County Council Planning Committee will hear PC-021 entitled “A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2.80B, MAUI COUNTY CODE, RELATING TO GENERAL PLAN AND COMMUNITY PLAN.” This bill will remove the force of law from the community plans, making the plans […]
Hawaii Environmental Court Starts July 1
Hawaii will be the second state to have an environmental court on July 1. The Hawaii Supreme Court chief justice will choose environmental judges for each area who will hear all the cases involving cases in historic preservation, litter control, recycling, solid waste, safe drinking water, air pollution, environmental impact statements and more.
Kahakapao Recreational Area Opens June 6
This Saturday, June 6, local and state officials including DLNR chief Susan Case open the new biking trails at Kahakapao Recreational Area near Makawao. Read more at Maui Now and Maui TV News
PATH wins on Haleakala Trail
From PATH: On April 23, 2014, a jury determined that Haleakala Trail is a public trail under the Highways Act of 1892 and the Mahele of 1848, in a class action that consists of “all pedestrians who, as members of the public, have been, or continue to be, denied access to Haleakala Trail.” (You can […]
Water and Land Committee recommends not to confirm Carleton Ching to DLNR chair
The state senate committee recommended against confirming Castle & Cooke lobbyist Carleton Ching to chair the Department of Land and Natural Resources. In this position Ching, who is on leave from his position with the Big Five developer, would also chair the Water Commission if confirmed. You can read the WTL Recommendation on confirming Carleton Ching