Slide show talking about agricultural land protection in relation to community plans, zoning and the State Land Use Commission.
Farmers Union: Protecting Ag Lands
From the Farmers Union: I would like to invite you all to attend the Mauna Kahalawai Chapter, Maui Farmers Union Meeting (At the Maui Tropical Plantation) on August 20th from 7:00 -8:30 p.m.– where we have put together a Community Educational Seminar on: PROTECTING AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN PERPETUITY. This type of information in invaluable to […]
Maui Tomorrow Testimony on Lana’i Community Plan
To: Chair Don Couch and Committee Members, Planning Committee Maui County Council From: Albert Perez, Executive Director Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Inc. Re: PC-11, Lana`i Community Plan Update June 22, 2015 Maui Tomorrow is opposed to the following proposed new language in the Lana`i Community Plan: “Community plan land use designations are not regulatory unless […]
Save Our Community Plans
ALERT!!! Our Community Plans Are STILL Under Attack. The changes are starting on Lana`i, but may affect us all, if they spread to every community plan. New language has been inserted in the Lana`i Community Plan that was NEVER discussed in over a year of public deliberations. This language would gut the Community Plan’s land […]
Dick Mayer’s Testimony on PC-021
UPDATE: On June 18, 2015 this bill was deferred. TO: Chair, Donald Couch and members, Maui County Council Planning Committee FROM: Dick Mayer RE: PC-21 – Statement of Opposition June 18, 2015 A.1 Today’s Agenda has a “proposed bill” that may violate the land-use ordinance process A.2 COUNTY CHARTER Section 8-8.6 #2 Very specific on […]
PATH asks for support in opening Haleakala Trail
This is from PATH who recently sued to prevent DLNR from closing a public trail. Please read today’s Star-Advertiser editorial (below) about DLNR’s failure to act after PATH won ownership of Haleakala Trail, especially the Star’s concluding paragraph: “From mauka to makai, Hawaii’s people deserve broad access to public lands. The DLNR should devote more […]