Ma’alaea Developer Should Withdraw the Project and Address the Issues Viewpoint December 17, 2015 By PAM DAOUST and ALBERT PEREZ The Maui News Ma’alaea Community Association (MCA) and the Maui Tomorrow Foundation (MTF) have worked with the developer on the Ma’alaea Plantation project for years. We tried in good faith to come up with conditions […]
DOUBLE ALERT!!! “Tech City” AND “Community Plans & Zoning Under Attack”
Aloha Maui! We apologize for the VERY late notice but we’re also just getting up to speed on this turn of events. Your Planning Committee will be holding a Public Meeting TOMORROW, Wednesday December 16 at 9am with a VERY IMPORTANT item on the agenda: Agenda item: PC-11 Lāna’i Community Plan Update (under attack […]
LUC Rejects Olowalu Town FEIS
Maui Tomorrow was in attendance at yesterday’s LUC hearing on the proposed Olowalu Town. It was the latest of three long hearing days spent on this matter, and we appreciate the time put in by concerned citizens, who waited through 10 hours of testimony yesterday before they got a one-minute chance to testify. We also […]
County Water Policy Under Attack!
County Water Availability Policy Under Attack!! Wednesday, Dec. 2nd 9:00 am. TESTIFY Water Resources Committee Meeting Agenda Item WR-11 8th Fl. County Building 200 S. High St, Wailuku, HI 96793 Maui County’s current law gives priority and incentives to 100% Affordable Housing. Developers would have you believe just the opposite! They are trying to blame […]
Maui County growing faster than the rest of the state
Maui News is reporting that Maui County population is growing fastest in the state at 5.3 percent in the last five years giving a total of 163,019 at the end of 2014. Dick Mayer pointed out that this is putting a strain on Maui’s infrastructure. Also these numbers don’t reflect the growing numbers of visitors. “In addition […]
Wailuku Business Owner Analyzes Parking
Printed in the Maui New Written by By SUSAN HALAS, a Wailuku Business Owner We all agree that Wailuku wants and needs more parking. We also agree that we would like to see a minimum of 200 new stalls added to Wailuku town parking right away. What we do not agree on is that the […]