From the Maui News Maui community groups say they’re determined to halt development of two planned megamall shopping complexes off of Piilani Highway, even to the point of seeking relief in court. The Maui Tomorrow foundation, South Maui Citizens for Responsible Growth and Kihei resident Daniel Kanahele last month filed appeals with state and county […]
LETTER: Giganta Mall Fails to Meet Legal Conditions
By Mark Hyde (retired attorney) The proposed Kihei Pi’ilani Promenade retail outlet shopping mall (“Mall”) was recently sprung on the community without notice or debate and presented as a “done deal,” allegedly based on approvals secured many years ago. The history of the project presents an entirely different picture. In 1994, the Kaonoulu Ranch petitioned […]
Kihei “Giganta” Mall Opposed at Meeting
From Maui Now by Tom Blackburn-Rodriguez …“I’m concerned that this project is setting a precedent of breaking the community plan for South Maui and if it is allowed to break the community plan of South Maui it means that all the community plans on the island could be in jeopardy,” [Dick Mayer] said… …Over 250 […]
Meeting on Mega Mall (From Kihei Community Association)
Largest Shopping Mall in the State in Kihei? June 13, 2012 3 Comments UPDATE: (6/17/12) As JB commented (below) even more equipment is now on the scene. As we see in first pictures, this week additional equipment has been placed at the site of the proposed malls, likely indicating the construction is […]
Reader’s Letter to Editor
This letter appeared in the Maui News: I wish someone would give me an explanation on how we could have three planning entities reject the proposed – and now approved – growth changes for Makena and yet have this suddenly approved (The Maui News, June 6)? The Maui General Plan Advisory Committee, the Maui Planning […]
Council Bows to Mainland Developers and Urbanizes Makena
Today all the developers showed up to the council with their many representatives. The developers got what THEY wanted. The people of Maui lost. The General Plan Committee added the mauka Makena 390 acre lot back into the Urban Growth Boundary, as well as approving 2 large projects in North Kihei mauka of the Piilani […]