Maui Tomorrow is working with the County Council and the State to increase the availability of affordable housing for our residents. Maui has one of the highest cost of housing of any state in the U.S. With wages much lower than required to qualify for loans, this has created a huge housing gap for Maui […]
2003 Housing News
Upcountry Reservoir Mayor promises water for affordable housing project Mayor Alan Arakawa said Tuesday that he has assured developer Jesse Spencer that there will be water available for Spencer’s planned 100-acre affordable housing project in Waikapu. After already expending several thousand dollars on preliminary studies for the project, Spencer said he needed to know for […]
Waikapu Affordable Housing Project
The Maui News August 07, 2003 By Edwin Tanji, City Editor, Mayor Alan Arakawa said Tuesday that he has assured developer Jesse Spencer that there will be water available for Spencer’s planned 100-acre affordable housing project in Waikapu. Arakawa said he met with Spencer on Tuesday over a question raised when the county suspended reservations […]