Park projects would get $8.8 million, including: * $500,000 for the South Maui Infrastructure Community Park. * $950,000 for Wailuku Gym improvements. * $690,000 for Baldwin Beach Park improvements. * $430,000 for Kepaniwai Heritage Gardens improvements. * $500,000 for Lahaina Civic Center amphitheater improvements. * $150,000 for Wahikuli Beach Park pavilion improvements. * $350,000 for […]
Mayor Proposes Replacing War Memorial Complex
By Ilima LoomisThe aging War Memorial Gym complex and Coach Soichi Sakamoto Pool would be replaced with a major new sports arena and convention center, and the county would develop a new aquatics center in Kahului in a proposal by Mayor Alan Arakawa. The projects were announced Friday as part of the mayor’s $558.2 million […]
Proposed Kahului Airport Access Highway to Airport
Following is the view from Puunene Avenue toward the Kahului Airport of the proposed Phase 1 of the new highway up to Hana Highway. Phase 2 will go from Hana Highway to the Airport. At Hana Highway there will be an on-grade intersection with NO overpass. Notice Dairy road will bend into the highway next […]
Pu’unene Plant Up for Permit Renewal
The DOH-Clean Air Branch posted public notice for the Covered Source Permit (CSP) for HC&S at Puunene Mill. It is in the classifieds of today’s Maui News (see attachment) You can view the relevant documents at this link: There is a one month public comment period, with comments due on April 23, 2012. “Any […]
Henry Curtis on the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative
… In essence, the document focuses on strengthening the utility, providing federal tax credits to support crude palm oil biodiesel production, and emphasizes building large-scale central station generation facilities. It minimizes distributed generation and calls for a termination of the popular net metering program where homeowners can install solar photovoltaic systems on their roofs and […]
Efforts for Shade at Baldwin Beach Begin on Prince Kuhio Day with Trees Please
Paia, Maui – Trees Please at Baldwin Beach, a project of Maui Tomorrow Foundation in partnership with the Maui Film Festival, will celebrate Prince Kuhio Day on Monday, March 26th with a call for volunteers to join in a clearing of green waste and branches from a designated area at Baldwin Beach. Hand tools, […]