An appeal before the County Board of Variances and Appeals, brought by Maui Tomorrow Foundation, South Maui Citizens for Responsible Growth and Daniel Kanahele, appealing the Director of the Department of Public Works’ decision to issue mass grading permits for the Pi’ilani Promenade, was heard today, July 27th, 2012. The Board of Variances and Appeals […]
West Maui Part of Maui Island Plan
The General Plan Committee will meet at 9am Tuesday morning, July 31 to take public testimony and then recess to the MORNING of August 2 and continue all day for decision-making. The Maui County Council’s General Plan Committee will continue to meet on the proposed directed growth boundaries for West Maui on Tuesday, July 31, […]
Maui Nui Olowalu Reef Talking Points
Olowalu Reef talking points from Maui Nui Marine Resource Council website
Interisland Cable Price Tag: $16 Billion
According to a Department of Energy study, the high-voltage undersea cable interconnection project will cost $16 billion to complete, most of which is projected to come from the private sector. To put it into perspective, Hawaii currently spends $5 billion a year importing oil. Read the whole article
Akaku Air Dates For Kihei MegaMall Forum
Here are the airdates for the Megamall show on Akaku. Date Time Length Title# Program Name CH# Thursday, 7/19 6:00 pm 1:00:00 11611 Kihei Megamall Controversy 53 Sunday, 7/22 7:00 pm 1:00:00 11611 Kihei Megamall Controversy 53 Friday, 7/27 8:10 pm 1:00:00 11611 Kihei Megamall Controversy 53 Monday, 7/30 8:00 pm 1:00:00 11611 Kihei Megamall Controversy […]
Speak Up for West Maui Plan
CHECK OUT THE MAPS: The County recently posted updated maps of areas proposed for growth in West Maui at click link for ” 7/23/2012 Ch. 8 Directors correspondence…” SPEAK UP! Public meeting: July 23 9am at the county Building 200 S. High St. Wailuku where the Growth Boundaries for West Maui […]