From Henry Curtis: Submit testimony on-line at: The PLDC must be repealed before we consider other legislation COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION Rep. Ryan I. Yamane, Chair Rep. Linda Ichiyama, Vice Chair NOTICE OF HEARINGDATE: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 TIME: 10:00am PLACE: Conference Room 309, State Capitol “Creating a development arm of the department of land […]
Ma’alaea Triangle Parking Goes to Paid
Effective Feb. 1, the north end of the parking lot at Ma’alaea Triangle will go to paid parking, according to an announcement by the Maui Ocean Center today. The Maui Ocean Center assures customers of the Hawaiian Aquarium and Ma’alaea Harbor Shops that they will continue to receive complimentary parking as they are accustomed. The […]
Testifying for You
Research to counteract
special interests
Global Warming May Have Severe Consequences for Rare Haleakala Silverswords
HONOLULU — While the iconic Haleakalā silversword plant made a strong recovery from early 20th-century threats, it has now entered a period of substantial climate-related decline. New research published this week warns that global warming may have severe consequences for the silversword in its native habitat. Known for its striking rosette, the silversword grows for […]
Rep Mele Carrol Introduces Bill to Repeal the PLDC
BILL 82 Relating to the Public Land Development Corporation (PLDC) Introduced and Passed on First Reading (Jan. 17, 2013) (HB 82 PDF) Bill 82 by Rep. Mele Carroll eliminates various HRS references to the PLDC, and, most importantly, on page 14 repeals HRS 171C, relating to the Public Land Development Corporation (PLDC). “SECTION […]
Dela Cruz Files Bill to Repeal the PLDC
REPEAL PLDC: SB1 (Sen. Hee), HB 9 (Rep. Thielen) SB45 (Rep. DELA CRUZ) Public Land Development Corporation; Public-Private Partnership Corporation; Public Lands; Development Plans and Projects; Investments; Financing; Land Use Commission; Hawaii Community Development Authority; Land Use; Historic Preservation; Ceded Land; Pilot Project RELATING TO THE PUBLIC LAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. Changes references from the public land development […]