Chloride concentrations at Waiehu deep monitor well increased at depths of -475 ft to -700 ft during October 2012 – January 2013. Adjustments to the sampling depth spacing were made to provide more resolution in the part of the transition zone where chloride concentrations change rapidly with depth.
Hawaii State Report on Environment
HAWAII STATE ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL RELEASES ANNUAL REPORT ON THE ENVIRONMENT “Towards a Green Economy: Introducing the GPI to Hawaii” adopts supplemental measurement to GDP HONOLULU – The Hawaii State Environmental Council today released its 2012 Annual Report, titled, “Towards a Green Economy: Introducing the GPI to Hawaii.” The report introduces a new, holistic measure of […]
Lahaina Collector Road
The two-lane roadway is proposed to run on an old cane haul road and would extend Kuhua Street about 2 miles from Keawe Street to the intersection of Front Street and Honoapiilani Highway. The public has until May 31 to submit written testimony in response to the Kuhua Street Extension and Improvement Project. Comments may […]
MECO Adding Kihei Substation and Power Line
At a public meeting with South Maui residents, MECO agreed to move the substation mauka of Kamali’i Elementary School and to consider undergrounding the wires mauka of Pi’ilani Hwy.
Honey Bees
From Danielle DowneyApiculture Specialist Hawaii Department of Agriculture/ The Hawaii Apiary Program is hosting expert collaborators to improve honey bee health in Hawaii. Please join us to hear about this work, there will be a public presentation this Tuesday at Maui Community College, 5pm in Ka Lama 103. Hawaii Apiary Specialist Danielle Downey will describe Hawaii […]
NY Times on Monk Seal Killings
Who Would Kill a Monk Seal? “ The most recent wave of Hawaiian-monk-seal murders began on the island of Molokai in November 2011. An 8-year-old male seal was found slain on a secluded beach. A month later, the body of a female, not yet 2 years old, turned up in the same area. Then, in early […]