Approval delayed until council able to hear from remaining nominees March 3, 2011 – By ILIMA LOOMIS, Staff Writer for the Maui News WAILUKU – Nominees for the 2011 Charter Commission were grilled about their opinions on district voting and other issues Wednesday, but a vote to approve them was postponed. While some nominees have […]
Kaiwahine Subdivision Gets Conditional Approval
Kaiwahine Village moves forward Council panel recommends conditional approval after site tour March 3, 2011 – By CLAUDINE SAN NICOLAS, Staff Writer Maui News WAILUKU – The Maui County Council Land Use Committee voted 5-2 Wednesday evening to recommend conditional approval of the proposed Kaiwahine Village in Kihei, an affordable housing project seeking fast-track approval. […]
$250 rebate for Maui for ENERGY STAR® refrigerators
Hawaii Energy, the State’s energy conservation and efficiency program, will offer a limited time $250 rebate for ENERGY STAR® refrigerators purchased from local appliance retailers for residents of Hawaii and Maui counties beginning March 7, 2011. Hawaii Energy hopes to lessen Hawaii and Maui county households’ utility costs and reduce energy consumption through this offering. […]
Bill to Allow Instant Run-off Elections
HB638 establishes instant runoff voting for certain elections. Instant runoff is provides a way to ensure election outcomes that better reflect voter preferences and to encourage more candidates to run. Voters get to list their candidates in order of preference. A candidate has to get more than 50% of the vote to win. If no […]
Bill Would Allow Projects to Avoid Permits
HB376 HD1 – would allow development projects to get automatic approvals if under-staffed agencies fail to rule on permit requests within 60 days. The state testified that applicants often take longer than 60 days to respond to requests for comment – an easy way to game the system and allow ill-conceived and possibly even dangerous […]
5 Cent Checkout Bag Fee Bill May Die
A bill to impose plastic bag fee did not get scheduled for its hearing in the finance committee, despite its widespread support. A 5 cent fee would be applied to all single-use disposable checkout bags given out at the point of purchase. Such policies have proven highly successful in places such as Washington D.C., where […]