HB 376 HD1 – Automatic Approval of Permits, Licenses & Applications Submit Testimony This measure has three main components: It authorizes third-party reviewers to approve permits, licenses, and other applications; It automatically approves applications before the state historic preservation division if that agency does not review and comment within 60 days; and It automatically approves […]
Honua Kai customers allege documents filled with defects
Maui News Besides the alleged defects in the legal language of the sales documents, customers at Honua Kai Resort & Spa have alleged a wide range of omissions of pertinent information or of physical features that didn’t appear when the project was built out. Among them: * That, initially, the sales documents did not inform […]
Moloka’i Ranch Wind Farm
Molokai Ranch lays out options while seeking community input on wind energy project Posted on March 3, 2011 by molokainews By David Lichtenstein, The Molokai News. Peter Nicholas, CEO of Molokai Properties Limited, opens up to the community about wind farm proposals. Molokai Ranch has spoken and the speculation can end: The company which owns the […]
Huhu Over State Ethics Bill
Request to Senate President to restore and hear the original ethics bill, SB671 by Larry Geller Reprinted from Disappeared News (Opinions those of Larry Geller) This afternoon I sent a fax below to Senate President Shan Tsutsui asking that the original text of ethics bill SB671 be restored on the Senate floor with a […]
Open-ocean aquaculture needs more scrutiny
ISLAND VOICES Open-ocean aquaculture needs more scrutiny By Andrea Brower POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Mar 04, 2011 Despite significant environmental, cultural and economic concerns about open-ocean aquaculture (OOA), permitting and other forms of government support make Hawaii “ground zero” for testing this risky new technology. The dominant story justifying OOA is part of a larger […]
Mayor’s Nominations to Boards
The Mayor’s nominees are as follows (for terms expiring on March 31, 2016, unless otherwise indicated): AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY COUNCIL 1. Lilah Inaba. BOARD OF CODE APPEALS 1. Thomas Behnke; and 2. Brandon Starr. BOARD OF ETHICS 1. Leo Caires; and 2. Sydney Kikuchi. BOARD OF VARIANCES AND APPEALS 1. Jacqueline Haraguchi; and 2. Patrick […]