Hundreds of Maui Residents created the Maui Island Plan through years of testimony and work. Then the County Planning Department reviewed it. The Council was supposed to adopt it by October of 2010. Instead, they have been over-riding the citizens’ plan and delaying adoption. The additional 8 months the Council has given itself will allow […]
Inter-island Electric Cable Controversy
SB367 SD3 HD1 text status Submit Testimony RELATING TO ENERGY Energy; Interisland High Voltage Electric Transmission Cable System; Public Utilities Commission; Tax Exemptions Description: Establishes a regulatory structure for the installation and implementation of an interisland high voltage electric transmission cable system and for the construction of on-island transmission infrastructure. Allows for the utility company […]
Instant Run-off Elections Bill Still Alive
HB 638 HD1 has crossed over from the House and is now up for a hearing in Senate JDL on Monday This bill would establish instant runoff voting for certain county elections. In some recent elections, we saw candidates win with far less than 50% of the vote. Instant runoff voting would prevent that by […]
Census shows Maui County population up 26,683 in decade
By DICK MAYER How is Maui changing? What do the first results from the 2010 census tell us about our towns, islands and county? Maui County’s population increased by 26,683 (up 20.8 percent) from 128,241 in 2000 to 154,924. The rate of growth was much faster than that of the whole state. The county population […]
Charter Commission Members Approved
Council approved the appointments of members to the county Charter Commission. Linda Kay Okamoto Stephanie Stacy Crivello Artemio Baxa David DeLeon, Wayne Hedani Yuki Lei Sugimura Flo Wiger Clifford Hashimoto Frank De Rego Jr. Susan Moikeha Joshua Stone
Council Weakens “Show Me the Water”
County council members approved a bill that would relax the county’s “Show Me the Water” policy for “affordable housing projects” and certain other developments. Projects which would be exempt from a county requirement to prove they have a dedicated source of water before starting construction include in-fill projects with 10 or fewer residential units, residential […]