LOW COST/NO COST ENERGY SAVINGS FOR MAUI The Fitchburg Model Applied to Maui Nui Michael J. Duberstein It’s a given that by far the greatest, fastest and most economical energy savings result from increased conservation measures—what experts label as efficiency steps. No matter how it’s termed, conservation returns large reductions in energy usage—and just a […]
Geothermal on Maui
On July 20, the all Native Hawaiian-owned company, Innovations Development Group (IDG), held a public meeting at Pukalani’s Mayor Hannibal Tavares Community Center, to “share their philosophy and get feedback from the community.” Geothermal got a bad rep when the early Puna well released hydrogen sulphide into the air, sickening residents. Mililani Trask gave a presentation […]
Watershed Meeting
The Southwest Maui Watershed Plan grew out of concerns by Mā‘alaea residents about pollution of Mā‘alaea Bay and reef damage. According to water expert Robin Knox, “The goal of the plan is to protect water quality and reduce land-based pollution. The planning process seeks to bring together all the users of a watershed to help […]
Southwest Maui Watershed Project Meeting
The Watershed Advisory Group will meet at the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary on South Kīhei Road.
Big Wind to PUC: “Don’t Make Us Go Out to Bid”
July 26, 2011 Hawaiian Electric, with Castle & Cooke, petitioned the PUC to reverse their decision requiring HECO go out to bid on the company to develop the wind farm on Moloka’i. Hawaiian Electric is asking that the PUC either allow Castle & Cooke to develop the entire 400 mw wind farm on Lanai, or […]
Maui In Water We Trust
The people of Maui face many complex water issues that will profoundly affect the community’s ability to sustain itself into the future.