One Time Only Big Screen Hawaii Premiere GEORGE HARRISON Living in the Material World A Martin Scorsese Picture Featuring Olivia Harrison, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Eric Clapton, Ravi Shankar and George Martin among many others Sunday, Oct. 2nd at 6pm In Stunning High-Definition Video and Glorious Dolby 5.1 Surround Sound Castle Theater, Maui Arts […]
Waihe’e & Iao Aquifer Groundwater Levels Declining
From Background information about the Iao and Waihee aquifer areas Since the introduction of pumping, groundwater levels have declined and the chloride concentrations of pumped water have risen above predevelopment levels at all of the well fields. In addition, the transition zone between freshwater and saltwater, which has been monitored at the Waiehu deep […]
County Wants Wind Power to Pump Water in Haiku
Maui County is looking to install a wind generator to produce up to 100kw for water pumping in a site near Kaupakalua Road in Haiku. The administration says that water pumping is a major electricity user and that using renewable energy will both save money and offset fossil fuel. Contractors have until Nov 2 to […]
Businessman eyes Waihee parcels for bottled-water plant
Tony Liserre said he was proposing a plant that could bottle up to 220,000 gallons of water per day but that he expected the facility would start production at about a third of that amount