Maui County Council members said last week that they expect once again to push back their deadline to pass the Maui Island Plan, this time until August 2012. The plan was supposed to be finished in 2008
Maui Could Generate Most of Energy By Renewables in Next 2 Years
Maui County is on track to be generating all of its energy from renewable sources within the next two years, according to Maui County Energy Commissioner Doug McLeod. And it could be producing significantly more than it needs if a series of deals in the works comes together. The Big Island consistently has said it […]
Sempra Solar: Not Enough Time to Bid
Sempra’s Oahu Solar unlikely that leases etc will be in place in time for them to bid to take the place of the Moloka’i wind farm.
Smart Grid Project
HONOLULU — Hawaii and Japan on Tuesday agreed to build a smart grid on Maui to demonstrate how solar, wind and other renewable energy sources can be integrated into an electrical grid. The project aims to overcome one of the obstacles that prevent communities from using more renewable energy and create a model for others […]
Repeal of Show Me the Water
Repeal of Show Me the Water to be heard 9am Tuesday Nov 29
Elle Cochran Report on Development Projects
One of my biggest concerns rests with the all-too-common occurrence of developers requesting Community Plan Amendments, especially while we are currently in the process of updating them. We are not enforcing the Community Plans that we already have, and even worse, we are undoing the hard work of previous councils with every Community Plan Amendment request. This does not sit well with me.