SB2358 (?) Measure Title: RELATING TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS. Report Title: CIP; County Permits; Exemptions Description: Authorizes the state director of finance to waive county permitting requirements for pending state CIP projects for which funds were released in fiscal years 2010-2012 and 2012-2014. Companion: Package: None Current Referral: PGM, WAM Introducer(s): […]
Airport Runway: Repair or Redo?
Discussion in Maui News about the 3 proposed alternatives to re-making the runway. Apparently it costs about $1,000,000 per year to keep patching the runway which the Federal government makes the State pay. But the Feds will help with re-doing it, so the state feels that would be cheaper. Read the whole article which gives […]
‘Red tape’ is a red herring when it comes to protecting our environment
By Gary Hooser Judging from a variety of not so very subtle signals coming out of the legislature, the 2012 legislative session will feature a full frontal assault on environmental protections. Framed under the banner of eliminating “regulatory barriers” in order to stimulate economic development and create jobs, numerous bills to dismantle important environmental protections […]
Clean Energy Goals Are A ‘Steep Uphill Climb’ [Civil Beat]
he Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative was inked four years ago, setting up the mandate for the state to achieve 70 percent clean electricity (40 percent renewable generation, 30 percent energy efficiency) by 2030. Since then, our total electricity usage has steadily declined, from 10,585 GWh in 2007 to 9,986 GWh in 2011. And thanks to […]
Maui Council OKs $16million for Water Projects
The Council unanimously approved $13 million for the Waikamoi flume replacement, $2 million to replace the Kamole tank and $1 million to replace the Kaupakalua Road waterline. Details at Maui News
Electric Vehicles Under Attack?
Rocky Mountain Institute sees EVs as a crucial step in moving the United States away from fossil fuels for reasons of national security, human health, environmental protection and durable economic advantage. EV benefits go beyond fuel economy. Reinventing Fire, RMI’s new, peer-reviewed book backed by 30 years of Institute research, shows that EVs—ultimately made of […]