For over three decades Maui Tomorrow Foundation has worked in partnership with many community groups on issues vital to Maui’s quality of life.
Large landowners and consultants meet regularly with government officials to explain and advocate for their projects but good decisions are based on having a big picture view. Someone needs to do the research, come up with the alternatives, and provide information to decision makers and the public. On Maui, many dedicated non-profit groups, including Maui Tomorrow, are that “someone.”
Maui Tomorrow has worked in partnership with many community groups over the years to create parks and open space for all of Maui’s people.
The creation of a 155 acre beach park at Puʻu Olaʻi/Mākena, a site where luxury condos were once planned, is one successful example of these combined community efforts.
When a large luxury estate was proposed at Hāwea Point, Maui Tomorrow joined with West Maui citizen groups to protect the two acre area. Today Hāwea Point is open for public use, fishing and recreational access.
Without timely legal intervention by Maui Tomorrow, Kamaole Point in Kihei would now be a private development.
When Hāna residents were concerned that a proposed golf course was not appropriate for their town, their Community Association joined forces with Maui Tomorrow and filed for legal intervention.
Maui Tomorrow advocated for ten years, as part of a coalition of community groups, for an airport freight inspection facility at Kahului. This service, the first in the state, now works to prevent unwanted pests from entering our island.
We are working with the residents of Keanae, Wailua Nui and Huelo to see flows restored to East Maui’s historic streams so that traditional agriculture can continue in our rural villages.
We are allied with Hui o Nā Wai ‘Ehā, OHA, Maui County and hundreds of central Maui residents, working together to ensure the restoration of natural flows to the streams from Waikapu to Waihee.
Alongside the Wailuku Forest Preservation Coalition, Maui Tomorrow is working to forestall proposed development in the steep slopes above Wailuku Heights.
Maui Tomorrow volunteers spent countless hours reviewing and offering input on Maui’s pioneering agricultural zoning ordinance, as well as the County’s recent workforce housing ordinance.
We were the first to call for both a non-profit land trust (to protect our natural lands) and an affordable housing land trust. Both have now been established on Maui.
We are proud to be one of the many voices in our community speaking out for planning that delivers real benefits for Maui’s families and respects our natural and cultural resources. Do we challenge the easy answers our leaders often hear from paid consultants? Yes, we do.
Many feel Maui is a better place because “someone” is asking these hard questions.